The Ultimate Guide to Registering and Activating Gold Miner Vegas
1. A complete description of all precious metals or gems purchased from each seller. The description shall include all names, initials, serial numbers, or other identifying marks or monograms on each item purchased, the true weight or carat of any gem, and the price paid for each item;
Registration Name And Serial Key For Gold Miner Vegas
An alternative to "street name" registration is "direct" registration, which is also based on electronic bookkeeping. In direct registration, a stock is registered in an investor's name but the company that issued the stock (or its transfer agent) is the one that holds the security in book-entry form, instead of a broker.
Textual Records: Nonmilitary land entry papers, 1800-1973; withan alphabetical index to the names of applicants, 1908-47, and anumerical serial index, 1908-65. Tract books, ca. 1800-1964.Monthly abstracts of entries submitted to the central land officeby district land office registers and receivers, 1800-1908.Record copies of patents issued by GLO for land in the westernstates, excluding those bordering on the Mississippi River, ca.1855-1907. Registers of entries of mining lands, 1868-1908, withindexes. Mineral patents, 1868-1908, with index. Name index toland entries made in AL, AK, AZ, FL, LA, NV, and UT, 1800-1908.List of canceled mineral land applications, 1871-97; and index tocanceled mineral entries, 1898-1907. List of approved indemnityschool lands and state selections, 1866-1934.
Textual Records (in Denver): Records of the Akron land office(1890-1905), consisting of a register of homestead entries, 1890-1905. Records of the Central City land office (1868-94),including tract books, 1868-94; and registers of homesteadentries, coal land cash entries, mineral entries, and timberculture entries, 1868-94. Records of the Del Norte land office(1875-1925), including tract books, 1875-1925; registers ofhomestead entries and mineral entries, 1875-1915; abstracts ofdesert land entries and final certificates, 1891-1908; andcanceled serialized land entry case files, 1890-1924. Records ofthe Denver land office (1864-1949) and its predecessor at GoldenCity (1863-64), including Commissioner's letters, 1934-47;miscellaneous correspondence, 1942-52; tract books, 1863-1949;serial register books, 1908-49; registers of homestead entries,mineral entries, and timber culture entries, 1863-1908; andcanceled serialized land entry case files, 1912-15. Records ofthe Durango land office (1882-1925), including registers ofletters received from the Commissioner, 1889-1908; and rejected, tract books,1882-1925; serial register books, 1908-25; registers of homesteadentries, mineral entries, and timber culture entries, 1882-93;abstracts of desert land entries, 1892-1908; and rejected, cancelled, or relinquished serialized land entry case files, 1908-25. Records of the Glenwood Springs land office (1884-1927), including Commissioner's letters, 1922-48; serial register books, 1908-27;and registers of homestead entries, mineral entries, timberculture entries, and desert land entries, 1884-1908. Records ofthe Gunnison land office (1883-1907), including registers of cashentries, homestead entries, mineral entries, timber cultureentries, and desert land entries, 1883-1907. Records of the Hugoland office (1890-1922), including tract books, 1890-1922; serialregister books, 1908-22; and registers of cash entries, homesteadentries, timber culture entries, and desert land entries, 1880-1908. Records of the Lamar land office (1887-1925), includingregisters of letters received from the Commissioner, 1894-1908;tract books, 1887-1925; serial register books, 1908-25; registersof homestead entries, timber culture entries, and desert landentries, 1887-1908; and canceled serialized land entry casefiles, 1913-24. Records of the Leadville land office (1879-1925)and its predecessor at Fair Play (1867-79), includingCommissioner's letters, 1920-25; correspondence relating tonational forests, 1907-23; serial register books, 1908-25;registers of cash entries, mineral entries, and timber cultureentries, 1869-1909; and canceled serialized land entry casefiles, 1908-25. Records of the Montrose land office (1888-1925)and its predecessor at Lake City (1877-88), includingCommissioner's letters, 1922-25; tract books, 1877-1925; serialregister books, 1908-25; registers of homestead entries,mineral entries, timber culture entries, and desert land entries,1875-1908; and rejected, cancelled, or relinquished serialized land entry case files, 1908-25. Records of the Pueblo land office (1871-1950),including Commissioner's letters, 1930-48; tract books, 1871-1949; serial register books, 1908-49; registers of cash entries,homestead entries, mineral entries, and timber culture entries,1871-1908; and registers of entrymen, 1885-1908. Records of theSterling land office (1890-1925), consisting of serial registerbooks, 1908-25; registers of patents delivered, n.d.; andabstracts of homestead and desert land entries, 1890-1908.
Textual Records (in Denver): Records of the Billings land office(1906-60), including tract books, 1906-60; serial register books,1908-50; land entry case files, 1908-50; and a grazing leaseregister, 1935-40. Records of the Bozeman land office (1874-1925), including tract books, 1874-1925; serial register books,1908-25; and land entry case files, 1908-25. Records of theGlasgow land office (1907-25), including tract books, 1907-25;serial register books, 1908-25; and land entry case files, 1908-25. Records of the Great Falls land office (1902-50), includingtract books, 1902-50; serial register books, 1908-50; andregisters of homestead entries, desert land entries, and mineralentries, 1902-8. Records of the Havre land office (1910-25),consisting of serial register books and land entry case files,1908-25. Records of the Helena land office (1867-1925), includingtract books, 1867-1925; serial register books, 1908-25; landentry case files, 1908-25; contest dockets, 1865-1909; registers of homestead entries, timber culture entries, andmineral entries, 1868-1908; and railroad selections, 1906-7.Records of the Kalispell land office(1897-1925), including tract books, 1897-1925; serial registerbooks, 1908-25; and land entry case files, 1908-25. Records ofthe Lewistown land office (1890-1925), including tract books,1890-1925; serial register books, 1911-25; land entry casefiles, 1908-25; and closed serialized land entry case files, 1910-11.Records of the Miles City land office (1880-1925), consisting of serial register books and land entry casefiles, 1908-24. Records of the Missoula land office (1891-1925),including tract books, 1891-1925; serial register books, 1908-25;and land entry case files, 1908-25.
Textual Records (in Denver): Records of the Aberdeen land office(1882-1911), consisting of tract books, 1892-1911; a register ofhomestead entries, 1891-1908; abstract of scrip locations, n.d.;and a record of patents delivered, 1903-6. Records of the BelleFourche land office (1909-25), consisting of serial registerbooks, 1908-30. Records of the Chamberlain land office (1890-1913), consisting of serial register books, 1908-13; and registerof homestead entries, 1890-1908. Records of the Gregory landoffice (1909-22) and its predecessors at Vermillion (1861-73),Sioux Falls (1873-79), and Mitchell (1880-1909), including serialregister books, 1908-30; registers of homestead entries, 1863-71,and timber culture entries, 1873-95; and abstracts of cashentries, 1862-73, and of warrant and scrip locations in DakotaTerritory, 1864-80. Records of the Huron land office (1882-1908),including tract books, 1882-1908; registers of homestead entriesand final certificates, 1882-1908; and registers of Sioux IndianLands homestead final certificates and final receipts, 1896-1907.Records of the Lemmon land office (1908-22), consisting of serialregister books, 1908-26. Records of the Pierre land office (1890-1948), including registers of letters sent, 1901-17, andreceived, 1905-37; tract books, 1890-1940; serial register books,1908-51; registers of homestead entries, 1905-8; registers ofSioux Indian Lands homestead entries and final certificates,1890-1905; and a register of Lower Brule Lands homestead entries,1907-8. Records of the Rapid City land office (1889-1925) and itspredecessor at Deadwood (1887-88), consisting of tract books,1877-88; serial register books, 1908-30; registers of homesteadentries and mineral entries, 1879-1908; registers of applicationsfor mineral patents, 1877-1908; and a record of patentsdelivered, 1880-1908. Records of the Timber Lake land office(1911-18), consisting of serial register books, 1908-28. Recordsof the Watertown land office (1879-1907) and its predecessor atSpringfield (1870-79), consisting of registers of cash receiptsand homestead receipts, 1870-91; registers of timber cultureentries, 1873-94, and timber culture final certificates, 1894-1904; register of final certificates issued, n.d.; abstracts ofagricultural college scrip, 1870-81; index to letters received,1882-86; record of Sioux lands sold under Presidentialproclamation, 1881; and state selection lists, 1894-97. Recordsof the Yankton land office (1872-93), consisting of registers ofhomestead entries, 1891-93; registers of timber culture entries,1873-92, and timber culture final receipts, 1882-93; abstracts ofmilitary bounty land warrants, 1873-89, and declaratorystatements, 1872-91; and agricultural college scrip locations,1872-93.
Textual Records (in Denver): Records of the Buffalo land office(1887-1950), including letters received from the Commissioner,1934-46; tract books, 1888-1940; enlarged homestead, 1909-40, andstockraising, 1925-40, designations; combined abstracts of cashentries and coal land sold, 1880-1908; and registers of homesteadentries, homestead final certificates, and desert land finalentries, 1888-1908. Records of the Cheyenne land office (1870-1950), including letters received from the Commissioner, 1890-1946, with a register, 1905-11; registers of homestead entries,1870-1908, final receipts, 1900-8, and final certificates, 1874-1902; registers and other records relating to mineral lands,1876-1908, timber culture, 1874-1903, coal lands, 1881-1908, anddesert lands, 1877-1924; land entry contest dockets, 1907-18; andrecord of published notices for final proof, 1921-25. Records ofthe Douglas land office (1890-1925), including tract books, 1890-1925; registers of homestead entries and final certificates,1890-1908; abstracts of desert land entries, 1891-1908; andcontest dockets, 1911-23. Records of the Evanston land office(1876-1950), including letters received from the Commissioner,1908-37, with a register, 1905-41; tract books, 1877-1940;combined abstract of cash entries and coal cash certificates,1878-1908, with register and indexes; registers of homesteadentries, entry receipts, and final certificates, 1878-1908, withindexes; registers of mineral patent applications and mineralland entries, 1882-1907; records relating to coal lands, 1877-1908; records relating to desert lands, 1877-1908; and closed serialized land entry case files, 1908-42. Records of the Lander land office (1890-1927), including letters receivedfrom the Commissioner, 1926-27; tract books, 1890-1927; registersof homestead entries, 1890-1908, homestead entries on ShoshoneIndian land, 1906-8, and homestead final certificates, 1890-1908;records relating to mineral and coal lands, 1891-1908; registersof timber culture entries and final certificates, 1890-1901;desert land entry abstracts and final certificate registers,1890-1908; and register of cash certificates issued for entriesmade on ceded Shoshone and Wind River Indian lands, 1906-8.Records of the Newcastle land office (1920-25) and itspredecessor at Sundance (1890-1920), consisting of lettersreceived from the Commissioner, 1911-18. Records of unidentifiedor various land offices, including tract books, 1890-1920; landgrant files, 1871-1921; enlarged homestead designations, 1909-41;and stockraising designations, 1918-41.