A helmet is an important layer of protection for the Equestrian. The horseback riding helmet must be correctly measured, sized, fitted and secured to offer its full protection.
1) Measure
Use a soft measuring tape to measure around the largest part of your head. This is 1 inch above the eyebrows, around the bump on the back of your head and just above the top of your ears.
2) Size Chart
Use the size chart provided by the manufacturer of your preferred helmet brand.
3) Fit
-If you have long hair, tie it in a low pony tail. -Don the helmet by placing the forehead into the front of the helmet and pushing it back and down to lock the helmet into the base of the skull
-Run your finger around the rim of the helmet. If there is any gaps or movement you will need to try a different size or style.
-The brim will be no more than 2 fingers width above the eyebrows
-The helmet will stay in place without the chin strap in place
4) Secure
Secure the helmet using the chin strap. One finger ahould fit between the chin the the strap.
5) Check the Fit Overtime
A helmet will mould to the shape of the riders head. Check:
-A snug fit with even, firm pressure around the entire helmet
-The helmet locking into the base of the skull when it is put on.
-There is no rocking back or forward with and without the chin strap secured
-There is no pressure points or gaps
Sizes and Shapes Available
Horse back riding helmets come in various sizes including those for:
-Round fit
Always have a correctly fitted horseback riding helmet. The helmet needs to be replaced if it not longer fits correctly.
Charles Owen. (N.d.). How to measure and fit a riding helmet. Retrieved from https://www.charlesowen.com/guides/how-to-measure-head-riding-helmet.html
Tipperary (n.d.) How to Fit your Tipperary Helmet. Retrieved from https://tipperaryequestrian.com/storage/documents/How_to_Fit_a_Tipperary_Helmet.pdf
Troxel (n.d.) Equestrian Helmet Education Guide. Retrieved from https://www.troxelhelmets.com/docs/default-source/default-document-library/troxel_education_guide_2019_high_res.pdf?sfvrsn=7e7c140a_2